Category : Travel

Renting the Jeep Wrangler on Kauai

Pros: Strikes impressive pose against red-clay graveyard backdrops. Complete inability to effectively lock vehicle (you can’t lock the zippers and velcro that keep the top on) enforces devil-may-care attitude regarding stuff. Has an AUX jack for your iPod. “When you’re driving behind a Kia and the Kia makes it through the flooded road all right,

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Alligator Creek, Sans Alligators

I’ll start with the video this time. It’s actually compressed. Then if you’re interested, you can get my amateur historical synopsis. VIDEO (Quicktime, 4.7MB): Alligator Creek [amateur historical synopsis] Essentially at the far western end of Red Beach is Alligator Creek, which is actually the Ilu River and is known to historians as the site

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