One Year Without Television

Been a year since I canceled my cable. Things are working out well. I download a few shows off of iTunes. It’s way better than having to (a) pay for cable and then (b) still having to watch commercials anyway. I like it when I’m at work and someone asks me if I’ve seen that commercial where… No. I haven’t. So there. My co-workers have learned not to tell me anything that happened on The Office the previous night because I don’t get to download it till Friday evening. But that’s fine — we don’t have water coolers in our building anyway.

I’m paying MLB $100 for the entire season of live streaming games over the net, which is a better deal (albeit far, far worse quality) than I’d get from cable and allows me access to on-demand replays of every game broadcast all season long. I’m hoping the MWC gets its act together enough to offer a reasonable package for live streaming football games this upcoming fall. If not, I can survive off of amateur-produced highlights for another season, plus it’s not that hard to get to Provo from here and IIRC BYU plays two games in SoCal this year anyway.

About once every couple of months, I’ll get really bored and start thinking, “y’know, it seems like I used to do something when I was feeling as bored as this”. But that passes. And so, too, shall I. Eventually.

Thanks for reading my lame, self-congratulatory blog post.



  • Vince

    Welcome to my world. No TV, no problems. It gives me lots more time to think about about how I should be writing instead of staring into the blank hole on the mantel where the boobtube used to be.

  • bkdunn

    It’s seriously not a bad world to be on. Way fewer worries about the world — which is to say I feel like I only have the *appropriate* number — and I think being exposed to less crappy advertising can only be a good thing. Man but I hate everyone who works in marketing…

  • Chris Bigelow

    We don’t have any cable TV either. We watch a tiny bit through broadcast, but hardly any. I figure that if I ever decide to give up on all my writing/publishing efforts, I will treat myself to a cable TV subscription. Until then, I don’t know what people are talking about when they talk about shows and ads either…

  • amy

    I haven’t had cable since 1996. Who is the president now? And people keep talking about some kind of war? who’s winning?