Tag : guitar-hero

Guitar Hero III Is the Best Game Ever

Outside of GRAW 2, I mean. And Baldur’s Gate. And Earl Weaver Baseball 1.5. Best game I’ve played in the last three months, then. That work? (Apologies for being late to this party — just got the game a couple weeks ago.)

My favorite part of GH3 is when I play it for a while, then look down at the carpet and the carpet looks like it’s scrolling up. I’m going to assume that’s a good, healthy response and keep playing. I also like the sense of getting carpal-tunnel while *not* being at work — how often do you get *that* opportunity? GH3, to me, is like the perfect button-mashing blend of Tetris and VH-1’s Behind the Music. Couldn’t ask for much more. Except for maybe a playable version of Earl Weaver Baseball 1.5 for OS X.
